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Westfield 5 Mile Turkey Trot & PracticeHard Mile
Saturday November 28, 2015
10:30 am - 1M, 11:15 am - 5M
Tamaques Park (Lamberts Mill Road)
Westfield, NJ
Souvenir Photo Download: Jen Hinger Photography will be taking great photos all day! Get a souvenir photo download now for only $5 when you register ($6.95 value).
Amenities: Specialty tee (5M) and T-shirts (1M)!
Hot soup and refreshments by Chef Roscoe!
Wheel of Chance!
Face Painting!
Residential 5M course!
Clocks at every mile!
Bag check available!
USATF-NJ 500 pt Grand Prix event - get your last minute Category 2 points!
PracticeHard Mile with scoring, timing, and awards!
Schedule: Registration opens - 9:00 am
PracticeHard Mile - 10:30am
5 Mile - 11:15 am
1M Awards - 11:20 am
5M Awards - 12:30 am

Friday Packet Pick-Up: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.
@ Chill Cryotherapy, 327 South Ave. W., Westfield
(across from the train station)
Rent-A-Tent!: Do you come to the Turkey Trot with your friends, family, club, team, company, or any other group???

You can now claim your very own 10'x10' tented spot at the 2015 Westfield 5M/1M Turkey Trot.

$75 gets your group a reserved 10'x10' tent with table and 4 chairs. We'll even pre-package your group's registration materials, which means no lines!

Your own reserved area, no lines, a place to relax and enjoy your post-race refreshments - a great deal! (personal use only, no soliciting)
Registration Fees & Deadlines: PRE-ENTRY
Deadlines - Midnight on 11/26 online; 11/23 by mail
5 Mile fees - $25; $3 discount to 2015 USATF-NJ members and Military with ID
PracticeHard Mile- $12; $10 for Westfield youth 14 & under

IN PERSON (11/27-11/28; cash or check only)
5 Mile - $30 with tee (while supplies last)
PracticeHard Mile - $15 with T-shirt (while supplies last)

IN PERSON REGISTRATION AVAILABLE on Friday 11/27 at Chill Cryotherapy and Event Day 11/28 at Tamaques Park starting at 9 a.m.

Awards: 5 Mile - Top 3 overall m/f .
Top Master 40+ m/f.
Top 3 in each age group m/f.

PracticeHard Mile - Top 3 overall m/f.
Top 3 in age groups - boys/girls.
Ribbons to all finishers.

5M Age Groups: 5 Mile - 14 & under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85+.
PracticeHard Mile: The PracticeHard Mile is scored by B-Tag timing technology! That means electronic scoring and no hassle in the finish line! All competitors in the PracticeHard Mile will be officially scored, and results will be available! Awards will be given to the top 3 overall finishers - male and female - as well as the top 3 boys and girls in the following age groups (6 & under, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14).
Courses: 5M - USATF certified course on park roads and residential streets. Primarily a flat and fast course. 2 Water stops available. 500 point USATF-NJ Grand Prix. Clocks will be at every mile.

1M - Run entirely in Tamaques Park with park closed to traffic.
Course Preview Run: Saturday 11/21/15 at 9 a.m. Meet at the Tennis Courts at Tamaques Park and learn the 5 Mile course before race day!
Personalized Shirts: Custom shirts: Your own name can appear on the back of your 2015 Westfield 5M/1M Turkey Trot shirt! For only $10, you choose the name you want to appear on your shirt - first name, last name, nickname, or team name! Max of 15 letters, all caps. Deadline to order is Sunday, 11/15.

*Is your group interested in a full custom-designed back for your event shirts? Call us to discuss your idea and for pricing!*
Directions to Tamaques Park: GSP Exit 135 - Follow Signs to Westfield. At 2nd Light Make Left On To Terminal Ave. At First Light Make Right On To Rahway Ave. Make First Left On to Lamberts Mill Rd. Follow Road For Approx. 1 Mile. Park Is On Your Right.
Parking: There are 200 spots in the Tamaques Park. The park will be open for parking until 10:20 am or when full. Additional parking is available on surrounding streets near Tamaques Park. Race officials will be on site to direct you.
Race Management & Scoring: Westfield Turkey Trot is produced and managed by Sports A/R. Please call us at 908-245-3000 for any event questions - we'll be happy to help!

Official scoring & timing for both the 5 Mile & 1 Mile provided by using B-Tag technology. Instant results will be available on your smartphone by visiting
Sponsorship: For sponsorship opportunities - please call Tears or Ray at 908-245-3000.
Notice: There are many expenses associated with organizing a large scale event such as the Westfield 5 Mile Turkey Trot & PracticeHard Mile. For this reason, we are unable to offer refunds due to no shows, inclement weather, or cancellation beyond our control.
Event Contact: Sports A/R
Contact Phone: 908-245-3000
E-mail Address:
Web Site:



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